

  • Online Ads to Crack $10 Billion in 2005

    Online U.S. ad spending is on track to break through the $10 billion barrier and shoot to $12.9 billion, according to a forecast published yesterday by market research firm eMarketer.

  • RedEnvelope Offers Something New—Content

    RedEnvelope tried something new when it launched Inside The Box, an e-mail newsletter, in August. Veering from the obvious, the multi-channel marketer decided to focus not on products but on advice.

  • Infiniti Dealer uses E-zines to Keep Customers Informed

    Years ago, when it came to the car buying process, dealers felt like they were the one behind the wheel. Most customers relied on them for information about what vehicles best suited their needs.

  • Publicist Serves Clients and PR Pros with E-Zine

    Have you ever felt like you were talking to the wind? Publicist Shannon Cherry aims to change that with her e-newsletter, Be Heard Solutions.

  • Don’t Forget About E-Zine Footers

    The footer, the text that appears beneath the actual newsletter content, is the best place for administrative messaging and CAN-SPAM compliance, but it also offers a great opportunity to continue to sell your products and services and to reinforce your branding.

  • Survey Shows Online Spending Boom

    Those who follow e-mail spending patterns may be in for a surprise. Four years after the dot-com bust, direct marketers are creating a mini-boom, according to Direct magazine’s 2005 online marketing survey.

  • Quick Tips for Improving E-mail Deliverability

    With all the talk about the numerous sender authentication protocols, it’s easy to overlook some basic actions that can help improve your e-mail deliverability. A new white paper from e-mail services provider Silverpop, “Deliverability: What the Pros Already Know,” calls attention to some of these basics

  • Epsilon, Bigfoot Team Up in E-Mail CRM Wars

    Loyalty marketing firm Alliance Data Systems Corp.’s Epsilon unit has acquired e-mail service provider Bigfoot for $120 million.

  • Volvo to Build on E-Zine with Extranet

    It can be hard to develop a sense of community between franchises and their parent company, and even harder to do it between the individually owned franchises.

    But Volvo Rents is tightening the communications gap all around with its e-newsletter, The Rental Channel. And it hopes to do even better when it puts the same material on an extranet.

  • This One’s For You: How to Do Multiple Editions

    The question is enough to daunt any writer: How do you come up with stories for dozens if not hundreds of personalized e-mail newsletter editions? The answer is you don’t. Instead, you should use a content database that can spit out the versions with little human intervention.