Carl’s and Hardee’s Draw Customers in with “Spider-Man” Stuff

When a restaurant and a big-name film partner up, there’s bound to be themed promotional products. Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s have teamed up with Sony Pictures for the much awaited summer release of “The Amazing Spider-Man.”

The picture opens July 3 and in the run up the restaurant chains have begun a wide-ranging promotional marketing program. The chains, owned by CKE Restaurants, know a bit about how amazing Spider-Man can truly be. It had such a successful partnership around the first “Spider-Man” film in 2002 that it is back for an encore.

This summer, customers entering the restaurants across the country will find an array of advertising, fan events, Spider-Man-themed promotional and food items—termed “amazing"—in-restaurant guest experiences and “Spider Man” kids-meal toys over the course of the multi-month partnership.

“The film looks like it will be, well, amazing, with all of the elements our ‘young, hungry guy’ fans look for in a great summer movie,” Brad Haley, chief marketing officer for CKE Restaurants, said in a release.

Facebook and Twitter will play a big role in letting customers know what’s happening at the restaurants, including the introduction of a new burger.