
Month: September 2013

  • Lessons From the Crackdown on ‘Astroturfing’ and Fake Online Reviews

    By Jonathan L. Pompan, Esq., Venable LLP

    New York Attorney’s General has brought new attention to the manipulation of consumer-review websites and the practice of “astroturfing” by search engine optimization companies that flooded the Internet with fake consumer reviews on websites.

  • Google AdID: What the Alternative to Third-Party Cookies Means for Marketers

    Last week, USA Today reported that Google is working on an alternative to third-party cookies, which has significant implications for advertisers and stakeholders that earn their keep from the current paradigm of online tracking. The anonymous identifier for advertising, dubbed “AdID,” is largely a mystery at this point, but it’s not too early to consider […]

  • ReachLocal Wants to Help SMBs Convert More Leads With ReachEdge

    Today ReachLocal, an online marketing firm aiming to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), is making its ReachEdge product generally available in the U.S. The new service is an addition to the company’s suite of solutions and has three main components: website design, lead management and mobile app. ReachLocal sees three sections in an SMB’s […]

  • Chief Marketer Listline Sept. 22

    Lists featured this week from Chief Marketer and NextMark include Alloy Apparel and the Pennwell Technology Email Masterfile.

  • New Portal Gives Consumers Insight Into What Marketers Know About Them

    A new portal launched by data broker Acxiom gives consumers a chance and see just how much and exactly what personal information the company has amassed about them.

  • Pew: Only 8% of U.S. Cellphone Users Check in or Share Their Location

    According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 91 percent of adults in the U.S. own a cellphone. Unsurprisingly, the majority of these cellphone owners use their cellphones to access the Internet and send or receive email. The survey of 2,252 adults ages 18 and older, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates from April […]

  • Get Rid of These 4 Terms From Your Marketing Vocabulary

    Dan Stasiewski (Kuno Creative) The world of marketing is filled with buzzwords that tend to have little meaning and distract from more important things. “Marketing automation,” “keyword rank,” “link building” and “humanize” are four terms that marketers should drop from their vocabulary.

  • 5 Ways for Retailers to Improve Customer Retention

    Francois Bondiguel (Growmap) Companies spend plenty of money to get more customers, but not enough of them are investing enough resources to keep the customers they’ve already earned. Here are five steps to improve customer retention: get to know them, keep them happy, incentivize and reward loyal customers, provide great customer service, and offer helpful […]

  • The 4 Keys to Successful Mobile Marketing for Retailers

    Steve Schuler (Yahoo Advertising) Advertisers need to respond to the increasing demand for more personalized mobile experiences. Online-to-offline mobile retail campaigns have to be localized, personalized and measured. These three elements must be blended together to create mobile campaigns consumers will love.

  • ‪Data-Driven Marketing Step Two: Tear Down The Silos …

    Here are four ways you can break down internal and external silos by priming both the communication and execution channels.