
Month: April 2013

  • 3 Missed Opportunities in Customer Loyalty

    Customer loyalty is an incredibly lucrative opportunity for brands, yet marketers still struggle to maximize their relationships with existing customers even though recent research from Forrester shows that 93% of companies have placed customer experience on their list of strategic priorities, with 28% claiming it as their top priority. Clearly brands understand the value of […]

  • Test Your ‘Landing-Page Vision’: 15 Questions to Ask

    Conversion rate optimization is “a well without a bottom,” which is why online marketers who stop at elementary tips for improving their landing pages are missing out. Alesia Krush, digital marketer at writing for Search Engine People, offers 15 “tests” for marketers to help them gauge how well they understand their landing pages. Among […]

  • Infographic: How to Create a B2B Marketing Plan

    Smart Insights, a website offering marketing advice, has created a helpful infographic that lays out seven steps to executing an effective B2B marketing plan. While many B2B companies are good at using tactics like SEO, PPC, landing pages, social media and email, they often lack a planned approach based on an integrated inbound marketing plan, […]

  • Experience Marketing is the New Integrated Marketing Model

    Three forces in the market have come together to create a perfect storm that’s rendered traditional approaches to integrated marketing passé. Here’s what you need to know.

  • The Future of Smart Content for Marketing

    GPS has come a long way since it was first introduced as American military technology in 1973.

  • Searchers Are Heavily Swayed by Google’s Brand; Desktop Search Remains Strong

    How much does the Google brand affect how people perceive search results? A lot, according to a study from SurveyMonkey. The company surveyed 641 respondents and split them up into two groups: –

  • 25 Marketing Tips for Small Businesses, Backed by Academic Research

    Academic research can be overwhelming and hard to wade through, but some of it holds some gems for small businesses looking to improve their marketing and overall business tactics. Gregory Ciotti, content strategist at Help Scout writing for Unbounce, offers a neat overview of 25 tips for small businesses gleaned from research. These include: –

  • Infographic: How Sales Has Evolved Since the ‘Mad Men’ Era

    Leads360, a provider of CRM and lead-management software, has crafted an infographic walking us through the evolutions of the sales profession since Don Draper roamed Madison Avenue in “Mad Men.” In short, marketing and selling have gone from being centralized operations to being a two-way conversation with buyers that involves layers of influence. “If they […]

  • How to Successfully Combine Demand Generation and Marketing Automation

    Marketing automation is the technology supporting demand generation. Demand generation is “the art and science of creating lead flow for sales.” The goal of the former is to yield the latter, and Thor Johnson, the leader of Team Thor Marketing writing for Marketing Land, has some insights to make that happen. In this first post […]

  • Chief Marketer Listline April 12

    Lists featured this week include Tafford Uniforms PIP and Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans.