Big Data
Data & Analytics
Global Data, Local Impact: Mastering Personalization With a Centralized Data Hub
By establishing a centralized data hub (CDH), companies can ensure all critical global marketing data flows through one central location and is aligned to serve overall company goals.
Data & Analytics
How Big Data Can Improve B2B Lead Gen
Sales and marketing organizations are often at odds about what works best in B2B lead gen. Often, both are off-base when it comes to their accusations.
Data & Analytics
How Big Data Is Transforming Marketing into a Revenue Hub
Marketers have always known intuitively that their work was contributing to sales and now, big data is helping them prove marketing isn’t just a cost center.
Data & Analytics
Adobe Debuts Cross-Device Co-op
The Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op debuted this week, which could link up to 1.2 million consumer devices worldwide.
Data & Analytics
Turning the Big Data Headache Into Big Rewards
Marketers are flunking the “big data test.” Here are insights and tips to help you better manage that data.
Data & Analytics
Nine Tips for Building Better Marketing Dashboards
In a twist of the old saying about the tree falling in the forest, it’s reasonable to ask, “If you conduct market research and nothing happens with the data, will anyone know about it?”
Five Ideas to Better Leverage Big Data
Savvy Big Data followers can still lap the field if they’re smart about how they go about it. Here are five suggestions.
Data & Analytics
Turning Big Data Into an Actionable Marketing Asset
Companies stand to gain a great deal by making big data and other systems of record more actionable, but harnessing big data’s potential is hard, particularly for enabling a compelling customer experience at the point of consumption.
Data & Analytics
Create a Better B2B Big Data Plan
Sure, you’ve got lots of B2B data. But do you have a plan for how to use it? Now is the time to set your big data agenda.
Data & Analytics
How Big Data and Marketing Analytics Can Help Sales
Sales teams used to be key sources of information for buyers, but access to an extraordinary variety and volume of information means buyers are much less reliant on salespeople than ever before.