CM Weekly Email Newsletters

CM Weekly 5.30.22

CM Weekly May 30, 2022 Statistics about the importance of brand purpose and its impact on purchasing behavior abound in the marketing industry. Here’s one: 66 percent of online respondents would consider a company’s purpose when deciding to make a purchase, according to Porter Novelli’s 2021 Purpose Perception Study. And the numbers increase when considering…

CM Weekly 5.29.22

CM Weekly May 29, 2022 Statistics about the importance of brand purpose and its impact on purchasing behavior abound in the marketing industry. Here’s one: 66 percent of online respondents would consider a company’s purpose when deciding to make a purchase, according to Porter Novelli’s 2021 Purpose Perception Study. And the numbers increase when considering…

CM Weekly 5.23.22

CM Weekly May 23, 2022 According to a fan study conducted by Wasserman and the Drone Racing League, approximately 800 million people across the globe between the ages of 16 and 34 are enamored with technology, but not when it comes to traditional sports. However, this group still craves tech-driven competition, innovation, gaming and cryptocurrency.…

CM Weekly 5.22.22

CM Weekly May 22, 2022 According to a fan study conducted by Wasserman and the Drone Racing League, approximately 800 million people across the globe between the ages of 16 and 34 are enamored with technology, but not when it comes to traditional sports. However, this group still craves tech-driven competition, innovation, gaming and cryptocurrency.…

CM Weekly 5.15.22

CM Weekly May 15, 2022 Modernizing marketing operations within a 215-year-old global research and education company, itself comprised of 57 disparate brands accustomed to varying levels of marketing innovation, takes a level of commitment its customer base of researchers is renowned for. Indeed, what surfaced when Wiley CMO Shari Hofer applied research, data and martech…

CM Weekly 5.16.22

CM Weekly May 16, 2022 Modernizing marketing operations within a 215-year-old global research and education company, itself comprised of 57 disparate brands accustomed to varying levels of marketing innovation, takes a level of commitment its customer base of researchers is renowned for. Indeed, what surfaced when Wiley CMO Shari Hofer applied research, data and martech…

CM Weekly 5.9.22

CM Weekly May 9, 2022 What does it take to reign supreme as a modern CMO in today’s multifaceted business world? What should marketers aspiring to reach the C-Suite focus on in terms of career advancement and developing specific skills? We posed these questions to three CMOs, and their advice centered around a trio of…