
Day: September 4, 2013

  • AgencyNext and the PRO Awards Gala: Oct. 1, 2013

    AgencyNext will give you the information you need to stay ahead of the curve. The day starts with the 23rd Annual PRO Awards Gala held on Oct. 1, 2013 in NYC.

  • Infographic: The 21 New Rules of Content Marketing

    Kayak, an online marketing company, has created a helpful, straightforward infographic ticking off the “21 New Rules of Content Marketing.” If your eyes glaze over when you encounter infographics chock-full of statistics and charts, you’ll like this stat-free, advice-driven resource. Here are some of Kayak’s “new rules”: –

  • Topsy Allows Marketers and Brands to Search Twitter for Every Tweet Ever Published

    If you’re frustrated by Twitter’s limited search functionality, Topsy has a treat for you: The social search and analytics company now enables anyone to see every public tweet ever published. Here’s a look at our Twitter account’s first tweets: While it may seem like a fun toy for indulging vain curiosity, this kind of access […]

  • Study: Facebook Posts With Hashtags Have Less Viral Reach Than Posts Without Hashtags

    Back in June, Facebook rolled out functional hashtags on its social network and touted the potential benefits for marketers. However, the company noted that hashtags “do not impact your distribution or engagement in News Feed on either desktop or mobile.” A study from EdgeRank Checker finds not only that Facebook posts with hashtags don’t see […]