Six Keys to Using Consumer Profile Data for Web Display Advertising

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Over the past decade, marketers have spent an increasing amount of their marketing budget on web display advertising. In fact, U.S. online advertising spending is expected to reach $31.3 billion this year—a 20% increase, according to a recent report by eMarketer. This growth, despite challenging economic times, has been fueled by continuous innovation in display…

Thinking about Brands and Leads… Again

The term brands is in and of itself a tricky word, as the definition of a brand is fairly ambiguous and broad. Companies large and small are brands, from Apple (can you believe Steve Jobs is stepping down as CEO?) to BeeBeverly Hills who became...

The Mobile Deal Space

The web deal space has operated as a direct response machine. Buy ads, send them to an email sign-up, optimize email yield. It's a push driven-driven model that depends on user scale in a given market to turn a single blast into thousands of...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Ticket and Back-to-School-Related Sites Thrive in July

The latest set of data from comScore shows that consumers made their way to ticket and back-to-school-related websites in July. Individual winners included Ticketmaster,,, Office Depot, OfficeMax and Zappos Sites. Google Sites remained the No. 1 overall Web property...

Shoppers Are Using Smartphones and Tablets for Back-to-School Shopping

Data from the National Retail Federation (NRF) and BIGresearch show that a significant number of shoppers are using smartphones and tablets to research products, redeem coupons, look up store information and make purchases for back-to-school items this year.

Mobile Apps: Average CTR ‘Substantially’ Higher Among Males

A nifty infographic from inneractive, a mobile ad mediation provider, features a ridiculously long smartphone - along with a look at how usage of mobile apps differs between males and females. The infographic is titled: "Mobile Apps: The Battle of the Sexes."