
Day: July 27, 2011

  • Direct Mail Tips: Getting More Out of Your Postal Budget

    Savvy direct marketers know a successful direct mail strategy isn’t focused solely on reducing postage costs—you must also improve deliverability and increase response.

    Here’s some ideas on how to maximize the value of your postal spend.

  • Four Ways Cloud Marketing Can Save Today’s Marketer

    When Samuel Coleridge wrote “water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink” about the ancient mariner’s thirst on the open sea, he also captured the irony many marketers today face about their marketing intelligence.

    Marketers are also surrounded by an ocean—one of data pouring in from all directions, both disparate channels and enterprise-wide. And while the mariner was surrounded by salt water unfit to drink, marketers are frustrated that much of the information surrounding them is unavailable for marketing purposes. But where the old sailor could only pray for wind or rain, marketers can look to The Cloud.

  • Amnesty International’s Oversized Mailing Pays Off Big

    A new direct mail prospecting package from Amnesty International offers a simple finding for marketers: Paper still works.