
Day: April 1, 2011

  • Use GPS to Personalize the Mobile Experience

    There are a number of questions CEOs should ask themselves prior to launching any mobile program: “How are people actually going to interact with my company/products/brand on their phones or tablets?” “What features should I prioritize (and which ones should I ditch)?” “Should I go with an app, a mobile-optimized site, or both?” But of all these questions, one that skips to the front of the line is, “How can I do cool stuff with GPS to attract customers who are nearby?” And then, “But what if I’m not a brick and mortar store—can I still benefit from GPS?”

    With easy-to-integrate GPS functionality and built-in cameras on most mobile devices, there’s no reason for marketers not to make use of this functionality. But how should they do it? And who should do it?

    Marketers in almost any industry can use location-based tie-ins to boost their mobile traction.


    LEGACY CAN BE A TWO-EDGED SWORD, especially when it’s hard-wired into a brand name. (Just ask KFC about the flight from ) When RadioShack announced in

  • Items of Note from Around the Web

    FACEBOOK KETCHUP, NOT CATCH-UP Condiment superpower Heinz planned to launch a new tomato ketchup flavor in the U.K., balsamic vinegar. Rather than hand

  • Concentrate on B-to-B Enewsletter Content

    Putting together a B-to-B e-newsletter? Focus on the actual reader, not the company

  • Marketing’s ZIP-less Future

    I’d been waiting in line 20 mintues and had my hand poised to swipe my debit card, but the question still seemed worth asking. “I’m sorry — why do you need my ZIP code?”

  • Corning Spins Glass Into YouTube Gold

    Corning Inc.’s video, “A Day Made of Glass,” has become a major viral hit, at press time scoring more than 10 million views on the YouTube channel

  • Baudville Rebrands to Shift With the Times

    A rebranding effort and a continued focus on its core catalog business have helped Baudville build a brand centering on employee recognition products

  • Annual Interactive Marketing Survey: More Tools, More Tryouts

    This year’s Chief Marketer Interactive Survey suggests that marketers aren’t waiting to try new tricks to capture online attention

  • Maternity Marketing Media

    In reaching new moms, postal mail may be the best delivery channel for those who’ve recently delivered

  • Rebuilding The Shack: Radio Shack Remodels its Brand Without Tearing Down its Legacy

    Can a 90-year-old brand with a name that evokes both your great-grandfather’s mass medium and a backyard shed get hip? Fort Worth-based RadioShack thinks so