
Day: February 2, 2011

  • InterContinental Aggregates Hotel Check-ins with PlacePunch

    Capitalizing on the popularity of mobile check-ins on Foursquare, Gowalla, Twitter and Facebook Places, InterContinental Hotels Group has launched a pilot program with a platform

  • Take 7: Regal Entertainment Red Carpet Sweeps Finds Loyalists

    Regal Entertainment Group has found success in replaying an annual sweepstakes that offers its loyalty members a trip to the Oscars. Each year, the promotion also entices new members to join helping the company to grow its membership to 6.7 million, the largest loyalty program in the industry.

  • Atkins Beefs Up Giveaway Promotion with Largest Budget to Date

    Atkins’ direct response campaign centers on a smartly designed free “Starter Kit” that includes three giveaways—a Quick Start Guide, a Chef Recipes booklet, and three Atkins bars—as incentives to get consumers to participate in the diet. And if early returns are any indication, things are looking good. Some 8,000 to 10,000 orders for the kits are being placed daily.