
Day: December 19, 2011

  • GetGlue Connects Entertainment Marketers With Fans

    As TV watchers, moviegoers and readers increasingly consume entertainment with tablets and smartphones at their sides, the potential for marketers to connect with them via another screen becomes more and more enticing. Enter GetGlue, which wants to become the social hub for entertainment.

  • Mobile Email Recipients Not Saving Messages to Read Later on Desktop: Surveys

    All marketers know that mobile devices enable consumers to check email whenever and where ever they want. But what they might not be considering is that once consumers read an email on their tablet or phone, they’re necessarily not saving it to follow-up on later on their desktop.

  • Mobile Helps Pei Wei Asian Diner Collect Email Names

    Adding mobile to the promotional mix helped P.F. Chang’s China Bistro’s fast-casual sister chain Pei Wei Asian Diner introduce a new menu item and gain nearly 20,000 new email subscribers in two weeks.

  • Debby Boone Headlines Lifestyle Lift’s New DRTV Campaign

    Facial rejuvenation firm Lifestyle Lift debuted a new long-form DRTV spot this month featuring 1970’s pop icon Debby Boone.

    Lifestyle Lift’s core demographic – women in their mid-50s through mid-60s – influenced the choice of Boone as spokesperson. “We wanted someone with a wholesome image who was relevant to our target audience,” says Lifestyle Lift CMO Steve Hanson. That audience would have been in its 20s and 30s during the time of her biggest hit “You Light Up My Life,” the summer of 1977.