
Day: March 13, 2011

  • Facebook Tips: Get the Right Message to the Right Audience

    Watershed moments can come in unusual places. In 2007, Clara Shih had one in a tiny noodle shop located on a nondescript Hong Kong side street when she overheard two old men talking about Facebook.

    “It seemed like the wrong place, the wrong language, and the wrong demographic,” Shih, founder and CEO of Hearsay Corp., told an audience at a Direct Marketing Club luncheon. But as she listened she understood their interest in what was then a nascent social network which boasted barely 20 million members.

    Facebook has grown a touch during the intervening four years, with current users topping a half-billion people. Its importance to marketers has similarly expanded: Shih cites a survey in which 72.5% of U.S. companies consider social media a top marketing priority.

  • Six Tips To Increase Your Direct Mail Open Rates

    Your direct mail package could include the most clever appeal ever written or offer the world’s best premium, but if your target never opens it, it is all for naught