
Month: January 2007

  • MIVA Makes Some Smooth Moves

    How do you compete with the advertising networks run by Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and the like? One possible way might be to offer ad products that they don

  • For Dedicated Physicians, a Dedicated Search

    Last fall, the world got a bemused chuckle at the news that a team of doctors used Google to come up with the right diagnosis for a majority of 26 difficult medical cases. But in reality, practicing physicians find Google, or any general search engine, difficult to use for research simply because they do contain so much data, and so much of it is aimed at non-professional audiences.

  • E-mail: A You-Suck-O-Meter for Your Brand

    According to a recent survey by e-mail deliverability company Return Path, 55.9% of respondents cited knowing and trusting the sender as the primary reason they’ll open an e-mail, making familiarity and trust their No. 1 consideration.

  • Searching for the Retail Value of SEM

    Search engine marketing (SEM) does more than deliver immediate online transactions. It generates in-store transactions too. A 2005 research from the Dieringer Research Group revealed that more than 80 million U.S. consumers a year make offline purchases after researching online; most bought more than what they researched once they got into the store. But most marketers still need a hard number to work with to factor offline demand into campaign metrics.

  • You Wouldn’t Treat Your Most Productive Sales Rep This Way…

    For those DMers who are still unconvinced that e-mail

  • Most E-mail Programs Fail Forrester’s Review

    Sixty two of 63 commercial e-mail efforts scored failing grades in a recent report by Forrester Research.

    In a review of approximately 10 e-mail programs in each of six industries

  • Stupid PR Watch: Sophos Needs Libel Training

    Online security firm Sophos has a pretty good PR schtick: Find an online scam or security threat, post a press release warning of it, and watch the press pick it up.

    Last week, though, the company went too far and put out a release that could get it sued.

  • Rivera Named Interim CEO at J.L. Halsey

    Luis Rivera has been named interim CEO at J.L. Halsey, the marketing services firm has announced.

  • Listline e-Newsletter 01/31/07

    Statlistics has been selected to manage 509,591 e-mail addresses for LLC. The Business Executives file targets business
    professionals and corporate level executives.

  • RedEnvelope In Black Ink After Third Quarter

    RedEnvelope Inc. generated net income of $5.3 million during its fiscal third quarter 2007, up from $4.1 million in third-quarter 2006. The company’s revenue rose from $53 million to $57 million during the same period. The quarter ended Dec. 31.