Data Driven ROI
The Future is Swift: How Real Time Impacts ROI
By leveraging data about who consumers are and how marketing and advertising performs for each audience, marketers can provide the content and experiences that consumers want in real time, ultimately improving ROI.
AI For Marketers—What You Need to Know NOW
Does your brand need to invest in AI? What technology and tools do you need to make it happen? How are brands like IBM, Facebook, Ally Bank and more leveraging AI the best across their B2B and B2C campaigns?
Data & Analytics
No One Wants Your John Hancock: Credit Card Issuers Sign Off on Signatures
Your signature may be distinct, but no longer matters: Major credit card issuers are no longer requiring them to complete transactions.
Data Driven ROI
Creating Great Customer Experiences: 4 Areas to Master
CMOs understand that exceptional and consistent customer experiences can lead to revenue growth. But what does a great customer experience entail?
Profiles & Campaigns
Q&A: Coalfire on the Challenges of Selling Cyber Security
Coalfire CMO Patrick Kehoe talks with Chief Marketer about the hurdles and opportunities for selling cyber security services in today’s environment.
Ten Questions to Ask Before You Hire a New B2B Agency
Choosing a new agency is a huge commitment for any B2B brand.
How do you know if a shop is really the right fit for you? -
Data Driven ROI
Six Reasons to Consider Distributed Marketing
Distributed marketing requires careful alignment across the organization. Here’s 6 ways to make it happen.
Facts & Figures
B2B Marketers Need to Get Ready for GDPR
Many B2B marketers don’t think GDPR is something that they need to be concerned about, and that could be a mistake.
Demand Gen
Invest in C-Suite Relationships, Even if You Can’t Measure The ROI
Sales cycles are long, and the ROI of engagement can be hard to measure. Here’s four reasons you need to build relationships with the C-suite.
Data & Analytics
Three Essentials for Better Data in the Age of AI
If you’re not keeping your data clean and structured, you may be swept away by the huge wave of AI set to revolutionize marketing as we know it.