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The Countdown For TikTok Begins. What’s Next For Marketers And Media Buyers?
President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that will ban TikTok from US app stores unless its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, sells the platform within a year. We asked the experts what marketers and media buyers should do to prepare for the possible ban.
Online Advertising
The IAB Predicts Social Video Will Overtake CTV This Year
The IAB projects digital video ad spend will rise to $63 billion in 2024, representing a 16% increase from last year. Of the three video ad categories the report breaks out (social and online video and CTV), the clear winner is social video.
Online Advertising
Google Won’t Pull Cookies In 2024
Google announces it’s delaying its self-imposed deadline to deprecate third-party cookies on Chrome for the third time.
Online Advertising
Digital Ad Revenue Growth Decelerates Again in 2023, Per IAB Ad Revenue Report
Nothing lasts forever. Ad revenue growth decelerated for the second year in a row after heady post-COVID ad revenue gains. US digital ad revenue grew at a slower rate in 2023 compared to 2022, hampered by inflation, climbing interest rates and advertising industry layoffs, according to the IAB/PwC Internet Advertising Revenue Report released Tuesday. Digital […]
Online Advertising
Streaming, Politics Star In Magna 2024 US Ad Forecast
If you’re sick of hearing about the volatile macroeconomic environment, Magna has some decent news. The US ad market is set to grow this year. US ad revenues are expected to increase by 6.7% to $360 billion, excluding cyclical spending, according to a Magna forecast released Thursday. And when you add political campaigns and international […]
Online Advertising
For Verizon Business, Reaching The Customer Means Empowering The Marketer
Iris Meijer is familiar with the chief marketing gig at large mobile telecoms. She held senior and CMO roles at Nokia and Vodafone before joining Verizon Business, Verizon’s B2B services unit, in late 2021. But this year, Verizon Business added a new letter to her title, promoting Meijer to chief product and marketing officer. The […]
Online Advertising
IAS Adds Another Shade Of Gray To The MFA Debate
Since the ANA revealed last summer that 15% of annual ad spend goes to made-for-advertising (MFA) sites, ad tech vendors have rushed to identify and restrict MFA inventory. In most cases, these anti-MFA solutions focus on finding ad arbitrage networks, such as when MFA publishers pay for native ad placements on more reputable sites. When […]