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Chief Marketer - This Week

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from the editors of Chief Marketer, and DIRECT

April 25, 2013

Chief DIRECT Marketer
The Story Behind Kmart’s “Ship My Pants” Video
Branded Videos Have Easier Time Reeling in Viewers
5 Social Media Tools to Simplify Your Life
Big Brands’ PPC Ads: The Good and the Bad
Six Tips to Improve CTAs on Facebook Cover Photos
“Beyond: Two Souls” Promo Gets Slammed

The Story Behind Kmart’s “Ship My Pants” Video

(Creativity Online) Ann-Christine Diaz

We all love to pull back the curtain and get the real dirt on how an incredibly successful campaign— in this case viral video—all came together. The viral sensation, “Ship My Pants” from DraftFCB Chicago is about to run on broadcast. The author of this article gets into the nitty gritty through a Q&A with the director of the spot, Zach Math of Bob Industries. He discusses how he and the team were able to mine so many laughs from a single, sophomoric line. 



Branded Videos Have Easier Time Reeling in Viewers

(PR News) Bill Miltenberg

This mini report shares research from Adobe’s 2013 Video Benchmark Report. Of note is that while videos garner more likes, comments and shares than photos, links and text posts, companies are still slow to adopt the medium. Miltenberg shares a number of key findings that all marketers need to know. The bottom line? If you’re not doing video, you should be.



5 Social Media Tools to Simplify Your Life

(Social Media Examiner) Jamie Turner

If your daily social media responsibilities have become a bit too much, you’re likely due for some help. In this post you’ll find an overview of five helpful social media management tools to make the job easier. One, Sprout Social, offers a pleasant user interface and enables users to quickly see data. It’s an especially helpful option for people who prefer to digest and process information visually. Learn about the other four.



Big Brands’ PPC Ads: The Good and the Bad

By admin

(WordStream) Elisa Gabbert Big brands are easy to look up to in many ways. While they may have budgets and opportunities that have smaller businesses salivating with jealousy, they aren’t perfect. Here you will find Gabbert’s detailed critiques of PPC ads from five big brands. For example, one from Olay smartly uses a registered trademark [...]


Six Tips to Improve CTAs on Facebook Cover Photos

(Ignite) Ross Wilson

Facebook recently gave brands more freedom with their cover photos allowing them to essentially post any content they want on their cover image as long as it’s honest and pertains to their business. The only real rule still left for banners is the 20 percent text-to-photo ratio. This article is a how-to craft compelling calls to action with six tips to make the most of this powerful new feature. The article then rolls into case studies from Dove, MTV, Smoothie King and Skype to provide live examples of how to make it all happen.



“Beyond: Two Souls” Promo Gets Slammed

(Wall Street Journal) Rachael Dodes

This blog post takes on a promotion piece Dodes received to spark her interest in writing about “Beyond: Two Souls,” a Sony PlayStation video game starring, via motion-capture, Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. But the promo backfired and caught the ire of Dodes for a few reasons, including sending it the day after Earth Day. "Just plain idiotic," she says. And the backlash isn't over yet. She has numerous questions into the PR firm that sent it, so you can be sure we'll hear from Dodes again. Find out what happed. 


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