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Chief Promo Marketer

Uncovering the metrics and meanings behind the most innovative campaigns.

from the editors of Chief Marketer

June 04, 2013

Promo Xtra
11 Ways to Turn One Piece of Long-form Content into Dozens More
Oreo, Ritz Ride “One Direction’s” Summer Tour
Vitriol Online for Cheerios Ad With Interracial Family
Breyers Toppings Marketed with $1 Million Campaign
10 Tips For Online Video Success

11 Ways to Turn One Piece of Long-form Content into Dozens More

By Holly Hamann (TapInfluence)

11Generating thoughtful, relevant content without making sure it gets wide-spread distribution to your target audience with a measurable impact is like investing in a Ferrari and only driving it to the mailbox! This is Part I of a two-part post about the importance of content planning and distribution.  


Oreo, Ritz Ride “One Direction’s” Summer Tour

By Patricia Odell (Chief Marketer)

onedirection595A week or so ago, Mondelez International, the maker of iconic brands like Oreo, Ritz and Trident, dropped a national FSI to 48 million households kicking off what will be its title sponsorship of the English-Irish pop boy band, One Direction, and its American summer tour and millions of swooning, screaming young fans. Stephen Chriss, senior director, U.S. media and consumer engagement and marketing services at Mondelez fills us in.


Vitriol Online for Cheerios Ad With Interracial Family

Stuart Elliott (New York Times)

youtube595A new TV spot and video from Cheerios that portrays an interracial family is causing quite a stir. The volume of negative remarks—many of them racist—on YouTube prompted General Mills to temporarily disable the commenting function. Stuart Elliott of the New York Times reports.


Breyers Toppings Marketed with $1 Million Campaign

By Patricia Odell (Chief Marketer)

breyers595If you're launching a new product into a category as saturated as dessert toppings, you better have a solid plan. That's the thought behind a new line of ice cream toppings from Signature Brands, LLC, marketed under the Breyers name in its first licensing deal with Unilever. Mindy Beegle, director of marketing, dessert decorating products for Signature Brands, shares the details.


10 Tips For Online Video Success

By John Douglas (Chief Marketer)

ten-595Consumers are watching video everywhere, and marketers need to be prepared. Here are some best practices to help you succeed in the brave new world of video convergence.


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June 18, 2013 Time: 2:00 p.m. ET

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