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Chief DATA Marketer

Best practices in prospecting & mining customer data

from the editors of Chief Marketer, PROMO and DIRECT

July 22, 2013

Chief WEB Marketer
Making the Most of Holiday Data Year Round
Q&A: Content Marketing Requires Coordination Between Marketing and Sales
Chief Marketer Listline

Making the Most of Holiday Data Year Round

By Beth Negus Viveiros

holiday-snowmanMarketers often don't act on holiday data, thinking it is only gift-giving related and not indicative of their customers’ true behavior. That, says Eric Tobias of ExactTarget, is a mistake.

Q&A: Content Marketing Requires Coordination Between Marketing and Sales

By Jason Hahn

game-595To learn how a content marketing campaign can generate more (and better) B2B leads, Chief Marketer recently talked with Dyn's Jane Buck,a speaker at next month's B2B LeadsCon.


Chief Marketer Listline July 19

By admin

Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 10.38.59 AMEach week, Chief Marketer and NextMark feature a selection of files new to market. Lists featured this week include Dover Saddlery and Camp Business Magazine.

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